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Tense from low score Check this out

one of the most important question in a mind of a student preparing for competitive exams such as JEE (Joint Entrance Examination),GATE,CAT ,etc , is how can they increase their score in these paper. their are many students who know the concepts but cannot handle the pressure of this very important paper of their life. The Method Described below will surely Help Such Students.

Many Students think how to make increment in their performance, its simple lets consider a JEE mains paper , the paper is set for 360 marks and divided in three sections physics, chemistry, and math (120 marks each) - each section consists of 30 question for 4 mark each and if a candidate attempts a question and answer it wrong then they loose 1 mark for each wrong answer. Now How to Increase Marks , Its really Simple The First thing the Candidate must do is find 10 questions in each section which he is sure that the solution will be correct. Any candidate who have studied the concepts can find 10 question from each section which he/she would answer correctly. Now, if the candidate solves this 30 questions (10 Question from each section ) correctly and do not attempt any other question their score would be 4x30=120. A candidate can easily score 100 using this Technique. 

Using the above mentioned technique doesn't mean that the candidate can score maximum of 120 because the maximum time we can assume he would take to solve those 30 questions is 2 hour and hence,even after this the candidate have 1 hour to look and try for remaining questions. 

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